“Barbie” is an upcoming fantasy comedy film. This highly anticipated movie is helmed by acclaimed director Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote the script alongside Noah Baumbach. Drawing inspiration from the iconic Barbie fashion dolls created by Mattel, this film marks a significant milestone as the first live-action adaptation of Barbie, following a series of animated television shows. Get ready to witness the beloved doll come to life in an exciting new cinematic experience.
In the vibrant and seemingly flawless realm of Barbie Land, Barbie and Ken embark on an exhilarating journey that brings them boundless joy. But when an unexpected crisis befalls Barbie, she finds herself questioning her very existence and the world she knows. An opportunity arises for them to venture into the real world, where they encounter both the wonders and challenges of living among humans. Brace yourself for a captivating exploration of self-discovery as Barbie and Ken navigate the intricacies of this new and unfamiliar reality.
Cast: The film “Barbie” boasts a talented cast that brings the iconic characters to life with Margot Robbie and Ryan Goslingas playing Barbie and Ken. Appearing in supporting roles are America Ferrera, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Rhea Perlman and Will Ferrell.
The iconic Barbie doll made its official debut on March 9, 1959, during the American International Toy Fair held in New York City. Created by Ruth Handler, the visionary behind Mattel, Inc., Barbie was inspired by the German Bild Lilli doll, which caught Handler’s attention in 1956. Shortly after this encounter, the development of the Barbie doll commenced, leading to its first commercial release in 1958. Since then, Barbie has captured the hearts of countless individuals worldwide, becoming an enduring symbol of imagination, fashion, and play.
Release date:
21 July 2023 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Rated: PG-13